International Mobility

International Student Exchange

Faculty of Electrical Engineering participates in international student exchange programs such as Erasmus+ , as well as in bilateral projects which make possible student exchanges with partners from program countries. Through these programs, students are offered a possibility to study for a period of time at foreign (partner) higher education institutions of their choice. Upon return to the home institution students will recieve recognition of their results and achievements completed abroad: duration of visit, exams passed, obtained marks, as well as ECTS points.

Practical Training

Practical training, required in study programs at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering can also be pursued through Erasmus+ program, as well as through the activities of the International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience IAESTE.

Calls for Applications

If you wish to participate in international mobility programs, you can apply in the call for exchange. The calls for participation in various programs are usually published once a year. Currently open calls are available here (in Serbian).